
Welcome to the 2025 website for Councillor Alasdair MacPherson, the Independent councillor for the Bannockburn ward on Stirling Council.

Cllr Alasdair MacPherson is the Independent councillor for the Bannockburn ward in Stirling Council
Cllr Alasdair MacPherson is the Independent councillor for the Bannockburn ward in Stirling Council

The Bannockburn ward encompsses the following towns. villages and settlements: Bannockburn, Cowie, Fallin, Plean, Throsk and the surrounding rural communities.

I was first elected in 2007 as an SNP councillor. I left the SNP in 2022 and was re-elected in the local elections in May 2022 as an independent councillor, the first ever elected independent councillor in Stirling Council.

For all Council related business please contact me on:

Mobile: 07824 496014

e.Mail: macphersona@stirling.gov.uk

Or send me a message via Facebook messenger, the link is on the left and bottom menu. If I am not available I will always come back to you within one hour, even during the festive holidays!